[THuG] Recruiting GvGers
[THuG], an American Guild, a group of 3 friends who were discontent with the way other guilds treated gvg and ha, decided to take it upon themselves to make a core gvg team
Now, we are looking to fill the rest of our roster with anyone who is interested and talented in gvg
We HA fairly often and are all experienced gvg/ha'ers
We are not looking for someone who just wants to join a guild
We are not looking for anyone who is guild hopping to find one they like
We ARE looking for people who do not have any reservations to being dedicated to a new guild, GvGing on the core, and have a fair amount of pvp experience
PM me in game,
IGN Shadowed Nature
(we would like to fill spots for gvg by this weekend, for double gvg)
PS. Team build will generally be balanced with:
Dev War
PRage War
BA Ranger
Glass Ranger
MoI Snarer
Runner (rt or ele)
Healer and Prot
tell me what you're good with
Last edited by phantom14; Dec 09, 2009 at 05:14 AM // 05:14..
Reason: forgot to put country